Don't hesitate, please reach out


256 527 2983

 Instagram / Facebook

This is only so I can contact you with more details, if needed.


How many images will we receive?

A.The number of digital images you receive is dependent on the session type you choose. I provide High-resolution, hand-edited digital images to you via an online gallery. You also have the option to purchase prints through my online store, but it is not a requirement in order to receive digital images.

How should we dress for our family session?

A.I love helping my clients choose what to wear for their session! I will send you suggestions, while also considering your personal style.

What’s the best time to have a session?

A.I love the golden hour, or right before. This changes as the seasons change, so we will choose the best time for your specific session. I am also open to morning/mid-day if it is an overcast day, or if we have shaded areas.

We don’t feel very confident in front of the camera, is that ok?

A.Of course it is! I don't know anyone who truly is, but that is what I find beautiful during a session. I love to capture you in your true form, surrounded by those you love. It really makes for some great photos!